Every performance coach has had this request from a past player, new player and countless parents. Tryouts are coming up and they look to get tuned up or get back into the swing of things. For the most part this is all good and makes sense. But Tryouts are always on a schedule. The season opener is always on the schedule.
Beat the regret cycle by preparing for next season, the day after your last game of the season. Write down your stats, your performance highlights, your low points and of course your goals for next season. Reflecting on moments just after they happen is critical to keep it close. Not to over celebrate or to beat yourself up, but to understand them. Deconstruct them and build off of them.
Enjoy life. Enjoy other sports. Get after it all. During the off season of your sport, make an effort to visit your goals every month and write a plan to get after them. A functional plan. One with tracking results on a regular basis.
Couple things to note about all sports.
Speed kills. A faster competitor puts pressure on the other team. Always look to be faster. Speed happens over work and time. You can build it all year round.
Dynamic Forces produce results. Train your body to work together. No matter the sport, every action incorporates multiple body parts and muscle interactions. Train your body to master those interactions.
If you are not putting in the work doing the little things during the off season, don’t expect the big changes during the next season. I and most all coaches have seen the story play out.
Get after it and stay after it, but only if you enjoy it.